What is biodiversity and why is it important to teach our kids about biodiversity? Biodiversity is defined as 'diversity among and within plant and animal species in an environment'.
The term refers to the variety of living things and ecosystems, which are always evolving and adapting to changes in the environment.
As a parent, educator and advocate for the environment I believe that children of today should be made aware of the changes that are occurring in our planet. The extinction of many species is happening at the greatest speed this earth has ever seen. At the same time new creatures are being found in certain forests of the world. Providing kids with an opportunity to explore the diversity and changes of nature through nature walks is a perfect way to introduce biodiversity and offers opportunity for appreciation for natural creature habitats and indigenous and non-indigenous plant life. Outdoor experiences may provide a personal interest in nature and a future inclination for advocacy for the environment. Local woodland or the country side is a great place to start and many parks also have a 'Friends of...' groups that you can join.
Some local woodlands parks in Victoria are:
Bradshaw Mordialloc (perfect for kids under 10 as the walk is not too long)
Braeside Park
Dandenong Ranges
Some great Victorian walking areas further afeild:
The Grampians
Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park
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