My partner is a landscaper and spends his days beautifying other people's gardens, but when it comes to his own garden, typically he is often gardened out! My garden helpers have waited patiently for him to build some boxes for their seedlings. As they (and the plants) could wait no longer we decided to look around for something to recycle and use as a planter for their very rootbound seedlings.
I have noticed that kids love tending their own patch and take pride in their part of the garden, no matter how small. They are also inclined to eat what they have grown. Container Gardening is an easy solution and kids can grow vegetables almost anywhere including balconies and window sills.
We found this old plastic storage box for our littlest garden helper, whose favourite colour happens to be pink. We simply washed it, drilled some holes in the bottom, filled it with potting mix and organic compost and began to plant.
We mounted the container on some old bricks to help with drainage. The beauty of Container Gardens is that you can move them around to chase the sun.
Part two of this chapter is in progress. Happy gardening!
I love that pink garden container! You are right in saying that kids tend to be more open to eating what they grow - it certainly is true at our house. Containers can also be moved to a location with the most favorable conditions from season to season or day to day. Portability has certainly helped with the success of our container 'crop' yield.